例句 1:
Water spinach is very popular in Asian dishes.
例句 2:
I love to use water spinach in stir-fries.
例句 3:
Water spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals.
例句 1:
在菲律賓,kangkong 是一道常見的配菜。
In the Philippines, kangkong is a common side dish.
例句 2:
This dish has fresh kangkong added, and it tastes great.
例句 3:
kangkong 通常用來做湯或炒菜。
Kangkong is often used in soups or stir-fries.
例句 1:
Chinese watercress 在亞洲市場上很常見。
Chinese watercress is commonly found in Asian markets.
例句 2:
我在市場上買了一些Chinese watercress來做沙拉。
I bought some Chinese watercress at the market for a salad.
例句 3:
Chinese watercress 是一道健康的蔬菜選擇。
Chinese watercress is a healthy vegetable choice.
例句 1:
Ong choy 是馬來西亞人喜愛的蔬菜之一。
Ong choy is one of the favorite vegetables among Malaysians.
例句 2:
這道菜用Ong choy做的,味道特別鮮美。
This dish is made with Ong choy, and it tastes especially delicious.
例句 3:
Ong choy 可以用來做涼拌或炒菜。
Ong choy can be used in salads or stir-fried dishes.